Home Assistant with HDMI Matrix Switch- Step by Step Guide

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Seamless Integration with Home Assistant Using Avico HDMI Matrix Switch

In the world of smart home innovations, finding ways to streamline and enhance everyday tasks is always a goal. Recently, we took on a project that has significantly upgraded our home entertainment experience: integrating an Avico HDMI matrix with Home Assistant (HA). This combination has not only simplified our AV management but also added a layer of customization and control. 

This integration allowed us to create individual dashboards for each TV connected to the matrix. From these dashboards, we can select inputs, power devices on or off, and manage various audio/video settings—all with the ease of a few taps on any device that has HA app on our network. We've been able to set up custom scenes tailored to different viewing preferences or occasions. Whether it's movie night, game day, or a relaxing evening, adjusting our AV setup is now as simple as selecting a scene.

If you're exploring ways to enhance your home entertainment setup or looking to integrate AV equipment with your smart home system, consider the possibilities of using an HDMI matrix with Home Assistant. It's a game-changer that has transformed how we interact with our home entertainment devices.

How to setup Home Assistant with HDMI Matrix

What you'll need;


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